Mazzega Jewelry

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Yes! Of Course!

Our Glass Factory is structured for reach every place in world!

Every years we reach all the continents with over that 1.000 shipments.

Not yet, but is our will to emprove it.

You can email us in the section “Contact Us” quoting your order and the reason of the refund since your feedback is very important for us.

Our coupon code allow you to purchase your glass jewels at a discounted price.

Keep your code with you until you reach your cart.

One you had decided your purchase insert the code on the promobox and click the button for apply it.

Of course! Our strenght is the customization of the products.

Since we are artisans we can produce the piece that you like in different shape and colors.

YES! The uniquenss of the piece is fundamental but our Artists can change the length of the necklace or the quantity of the perls.
If you wish we can change all the features of our glass jewels.

Absolutely yes! Our Company Mazzega srl is one of the oldest glass factory in Murano.

From 2020 with start these new project with different Artists from Murano to improve the market of the historical glass tradition.

You can also see our website of our showrooms located in Murano.

No! You can visit our website for check our production.

We are specialized in chandeliers, drinking glasses, mirrors and sculpture made toghter with wellknown Artists.

Since all the glass jewels are unique pieces we had to insert a sample for the pictures.

One you will place your order we will provide to produce the requested item.
After produce it we will send you a picture as agreement of the exact glass jewles you will receive.

If it wouldn’t match your taste we will provide to refund you the total amount.

The Mazzega Glass Factory have an important background in the story of the Murano Glasses.

We produce and we collaborate in Murano and not in other near places, for this reason you will be sure that your glasses are made in the Murano island.

Our major goal is the satisfaction of our client and we put all our strength to reach it.

We are very careful in every details, starting to the presentation of the products, ending with the quality of the packaging.

When you buy a Mazzega Glass Jewels you don’t buy a single necklace or earring, but you buy also a piece of art with a background with a thousand-year history.